Government meeting to discuss withdrawal of Covid passport requirement

The Covid passport requirement for bars and restaurants looks set to be dropped. | Pilar Pellicer


A meeting of the social dialogue table of Balearic government, island council, business and union representatives has been called for Thursday.

President Armengol has convened the meeting to discuss the Covid passport, there being an anticipation that the cabinet will approve the withdrawal of it being a requirement for entering various premises, e.g. bars, restaurants and cinemas.

Government spokesperson Iago Negueruela said earlier this week that a meeting of the social dialogue table had not been scheduled for this week.

The deadline for the Covid passport is currently February 28, but with Covid indicators improving and other regions having already taken the decision to drop the requirement, the Balearic government has come under pressure to agree an earlier date.

A question for the social dialogue table and government will be how widely this withdrawal is applied. While it is thought that there will be no issues regarding hospitality and similar, the passport (double vaccination) is also needed by employees in the health and social care sectors and for visitors to care homes. Staff who aren't double vaccinated have to have three tests per week.