Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Saturday, February 12

Test rate staying around 20%. | J. L. Cereijido


The Saturday report from the Balearic health ministry shows an increase in the daily number of new positive cases of coronavirus (61 more than Friday), but a decrease of 29 in the number of Covid patients on hospital wards.

The total number of ward patients in the Balearics is 291 - Mallorca 226 (-19), Ibiza 53 (-12) and Minorca 12 (+2). The ICU Covid occupancy rate has, however, risen to 19.3%, four more patients - Mallorca 53 (+2), Ibiza eight (plus one), Minorca five (+1). Primary care cases in the Balearics are down a further 808 to 7,981; in Mallorca by 632 to 6,489.

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874 new positive cases and with a test rate of 20.5%, almost identical to Friday's (20.7%) - Mallorca 688 (on Friday 660), Minorca 87 (61), Ibiza 86 (66), Formentera eight (five). The seven-day positivity test rate has fallen below 20% to 19.93%.

The incidence rates are all down except in Formentera. The seven-day cumulative incidence for the Balearics is down from 515.0 to 478.0 and the 14-day incidence from 1437.1 to 1372.7. Mallorca 1371.6 from 1415.9; Ibiza 1303.5 from 1421.4; Minorca 1557.9 from 1737.7. In Formentera it is up to 856.9 from 848.5.

The ministry has reported nine more deaths. The total is 1,190. Four of these deaths were in December and confirmed by a review of mortality data. The others were between Wednesday and Friday.