Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Monday, February 14

Some still wearing masks, others not. | Miquel À. Cañellas


The Monday report from the Balearic health ministry indicates 509 new positive cases of coronavirus with a test rate of 19.7%. By island - Mallorca 442, Ibiza 29, Minorca eight, Formentera one (plus unspecified). Sunday's report gave 512 cases, with 449 in Mallorca, 31 in Minorca, 29 in Ibiza and none in Formentera. Both the Monday and Sunday reports reflect less testing.

The number of Covid patients on hospital wards has risen by eleven to 299 - Mallorca 229 (+6 from Sunday's report), Ibiza 58 (+4), Minorca (+1). The ICU Covid occupancy rate remains the same, 18.4% and 63 patients - Mallorca 49 (-1), Ibiza nine (+1), Minorca five.

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Primary care cases in the Balearics are down 237 from Sunday to 7,260; in Mallorca down 162 to 5,928.

The 14-day cumulative incidence rates are all down - Balearics 1264.7 from 1372.7 (on Saturday), Mallorca 1277.6 from 1371.6, Ibiza 1109.2 from 1303.5, Minorca 1447.1 from 1557.9, Formentera 798.1 from 856.9. The seven-day incidence in the Balearics is down from 478.0 to 421.8.

The ministry has reported two new deaths. One was a 55-year-old woman in Mallorca on Saturday. The other was an 81-year-old woman in Minorca on Sunday. The total number of deaths is 1,192.