Palma to hold a Spring festival of concerts

Host of events being planned for March and April

Lots of live music in Palma to celebrate Spring. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter - Teresa Ayuga


Palma City Council has rescheduled the concerts of the Sant Sebastià festivities to celebrate the city’s patron saint, which were postponed due to the increase in Covid infections during the sixth wave back in January, to between 19 March and 9 April.

City Council spokesman and councillor for Citizen Participation and Internal Government, Alberto Jarabo, made the announcement yesterday.

The new celebration will feature concerts spread over different days instead of one large festival on a single day, as has become tradition.

The squares that will host the concerts will be those that were initially planned: Juan Carlos I, Plaça d’Espanya, Jacint Verdaguer, Plaça Major, Cort and Sa Riera park.

The line-up of artists has also been maintained, except for the withdrawal of one group (Princeses Barbudes). The cost of hiring the musicians remains unchanged, although other stage design costs will rise by 10,000 euros.

Jarabo expressed his satisfaction at being able to offer the Sant Sebastià line-up, “although they are no longer purely Sant Sebastià concerts”, and have become kind of “spring concerts”.