Pollensa councillor vaccination “scandal” - closed or not?

Francisca Cerdà told Punt Informatiu that she hadn’t been vaccinated. | PART FORANA l Página 33¶La regid


Opposition parties at Pollensa town hall filed a complaint with the Anti-Corruption Office in which they denounced what they said was a case of vaccination queue-jumping.

This concerned the councillor for social welfare, Francisca Cerdà, whose first vaccine - it was to be revealed - was three days after the vaccination programme started in Mallorca at the end of December 2020.

A few days ago, the town hall announced that the matter had been archived by the Anti-Corruption Office; in effect, the matter was closed. The opposition are pointing out that all open cases related to alleged vaccination queue-jumping were archived, and not only Francisca Cerdà’s. This was because documentation sent to the office wasn’t in order, not because vaccination had been shown to be correct.

Junts Avançam have suggested that the matter of the councillor’s vaccination “may not end here”. While not aware of what further course Junts may feel is open to them, I would reiterate what I and many others felt about this affair.

Alleged queue-jumping or not, Francisca Cerdà told Punt Informatiu that she hadn’t been vaccinated. She had been, as was admitted a few days later. The untruth should have required her resignation.