Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Sunday, March 6

Just 499 people in the past week with the first jab. | Efe


The Sunday report from the Balearic health ministry shows 309 new positive cases of coronavirus. These are 58 fewer than on Saturday - Mallorca 246 (278 on Saturday), Minorca 21 (39), Ibiza 12 (26), Formentera one (four), plus unspecified.

The test rate is 15.2%. It was 12.3% on Saturday, and the seven-day test rate has risen from 13.18% to 14.42%. However, the Sunday positive cases have not so far been recorded on the website which updates this rolling seven-day test rate and the cumulative incidence rates. The absence of these cases will influence the figures.

This said, 14-day cumulative incidence has fallen for the Balearics as a whole (394.4 from 399.8) and for Mallorca and Ibiza; in Mallorca from 418.7 to 413.8, in Ibiza from 247.0 to 231.8. It is up in Minorca from 491.4 to 493.5 and in Formentera from 168.0 to 184.8. The seven-day cumulative incidence for the Balearics is up slightly from 181.2 to 182.9.

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There are two more Covid patients on hospital wards, a total of 132 - Mallorca 81 (+3), Ibiza 47 (-1), Minorca four. And there are two more patients in intensive care units. The ICU occupancy rate has risen to 11.1% with 38 patients - Mallorca 30 (+2), Ibiza four, Minorca four. Compared with a week ago (February 27), there are 51 fewer patients on wards and seven fewer in intensive care.

Primary care cases are up 58 to 2,900 in the Balearics and 49 in Mallorca to 2,400.

The ministry has reported no new deaths. The total remains 1,226.

In terms of vaccination, there are now 989,024 people who have had at least one dose, 88.38% of the target population. Since last Sunday, this number has increased by 499. With the complete course, there are 957,120 people, 85.53% and 3,634 more than a week ago.