Chinese billionaire's yacht, Zen, at peace in the Bay of Palma

Owned by Alibaba founder Jack Ma

The luxury super-yacht, Zen, has dropped anchored in the Bay of Palma | T. AYUGA


The luxury super-yacht, Zen, has dropped anchored in the Bay of Palma sparking rumours that owner, Chinese billionaire, Jack Ma, could be heading to the island for a holiday.

PEKIN. EMPRESARIOS. Jack Ma, multimillonario chino fundador de Alibaba.

Ma, one of the world's richest men was on the island last year and he has said that he loves Mallorca.

PALMA. YATES. El yate `Zen¿, propiedad de Jack Ma, ayer, en aguas de Palma.

The Zen can accomodate up to 16 guests and has a crew of up to 25.