Palma international flights in February more than in 2019

Flights returning to pre-pandemic levels. | Efe


Figures from the national ministry of transport indicate that international flights in and out of Palma Son Sant Joan Airport in February exceeded the total in February 2019. There were 4,533 international flights, 3.2% more than in 2019, which was a record year for air traffic in Spain as a whole.

There was, however, an overall decrease in the number of flights. This was because domestic flights - 5,578 in total - were down 11.9% compared with February 2019.

The February increase in international flights contrasted with a 9.6% decrease for January and February combined. Nevertheless, the state air navigation company, Enaire, says that February pointed to a trend in the recovery of air traffic towards pre-pandemic levels.

For the whole 2022, there is a forecast that the airport will surpass traffic in 2019. Data from the Spanish association that coordinates time slots suggest that there will be some 7,000 more flights between April and October than for the same period in 2019. The total number of seats programmed for flights for the whole year (departures and arrivals combined) is 31.3 million. The actual number of passengers in 2019 was 29.7 million.