Town hall accused of "inconsistency" in permitting cruise terminal expansion

The ports authority is expanding the cruise terminal. | Gabriel Alomar


The Partido Popular opposition at Palma town hall has attacked "inconsistency" and "lack of transparency" shown by the ruling administration in having allowed the Balearic Ports Authority (APB) to expand the cruise passenger terminal at Pelaires Pier 4.

The background to this concerns the demolition of two buildings in the Sant Elm area of the port a few years ago. The APB therefore had rights to new building development, and the town hall has allowed this at the passenger dock. It increases the capacity of the cruise terminal and enables an improvement of service to passengers.

Julio Martínez of the PP says that this improvement is "fine with us". However, "it's not exactly consistent with the message they send out". There are councillors from the coalition administration who "criticise the arrival of more cruise ships, yet they approve an expansion of infrastructure".

Martínez adds that the agreement was made without there having been any publicity and so "without explaining the real reasons for an ad hoc modification". "We ask the governing group not to do this behind the scenes, to be transparent and to fully explain the agreement."

The matter will be raised at the next plenary session.