Refuge on the Raixa finca will cost 3.6 million euros

Beautiful Raixa. | Youtube: Marita Torres


A new refuge to be created on the Raixa finca in Bunyola has an approximate budget of €3,600,000. The hostel will have accommodation for fifty people and it will also house the future Mallorca Margers School - "margers" being workers who specialise in dry-stone construction.

Building to be converted into a refuge on the Raixa finca in Mallorca

During a visit to the site on Thursday, the Council of Mallorca's councillor for sustainability and the environment, Aurora Ribot, said that redevelopment of the building on the finca will have "high energy efficiency". It will draw on renewable energy sources in the area, while local construction materials will be used. The refuge will allow "Raixa to be enjoyed in a totally different way".

The Council's director for the environment, Inmaculada Férriz, added that the refuge will become part of the Dry-Stone Route's network of shelters and will make Raixa one of the main entrances to the Tramuntana Mountains.

In this regard, the refuge will consolidate one of the most important parts of the Dry-Stone Route, which begins in Valldemossa, passes through Raixa and goes to Bunyola, Orient and Alaro.