Four years demanded for owner who shot and killed robber

Pau Rigo seen here at his property in Porreres. | Alejandro Sepúlveda


It was a case that dominated the headlines for several days in February 2018. A robber, who later died in hospital, had been shot by the owner of a property in Porreres.

82-year-old Pau Rigo now faces a four-year prison sentence for homicide, self-defence having been taken into account. He shot 25-year-old Mauricio Escobar in the stomach with a hunting shotgun. There will be a trial by jury at the Provincial Court in Palma, the Prosecutor's Office also demanding sentences of five and six years for others involved in the robbery.

One of the defendants, known as Pep Merda, was aware that Pau Rigo had a large amount of money in the house. He organised three others to carry out the robbery - Mark Rotger and brothers Fredy and Mauricio Escobar.

There was surveillance of the property, and on the morning of February 24, 2018, the brothers intended to steal the money that was in the safe while the other two waited in a car for them.

Fredy Escobar grabbed Pau Rigo from behind, covered his mouth so that he could not call out and demanded that he open the safe. Mauricio Escobar pushed Pau Rigo's wife from behind and threw her onto a bed. Fredy and Pau Rigo went to the basement, where the safe was. It was opened and they left the basement.

The brothers were carrying backpacks with money, when Pau Rigo took a hunting shotgun. Mauricio and Fredy were taken by surprise. Mauricio was shot, and Fredy engaged in a struggle to take the gun from him. In the process, Pau Rigo suffered various blows to the body.

Eventually, Fredy left the house with a backpack of money and his brother on his back.