Church and hotels in Mallorca offer places for Ukraine refugees

Lluc is one of the locations that the church has offered. | Pilar Pellicer


The church in Mallorca is to make one hundred places available to the Balearic government to accommodate Ukrainian refugees. The Bishop of Mallorca, Sebastià Taltavull, has informed the social affairs minister, Fina Santiago, that there will be places at the Fundació Nazaret in Palma, at the Seminari Nou, also in Palma, and in Lluc. Càritas Mallorca, the church charity, will coordinate the places with the ministry, as and when they are needed.

The Mallorca Hoteliers Federation has said that it will make places available. The executive vice-president, María José Aguiló, explains that the federation outlined the basis for this to the director-general for tourism, Rosana Morillo, and the director-general for social affairs, Teresa Vallespir, at a meeting and is now waiting for a response from the government.

The federation is emphasising the need for action that is "clear and defined and gives security" and for it to be as speedy as possible. The government asked hoteliers to prepare facilities and Aguiló notes that this was done in under 24 hours and with three times the amount of provisions that had been requested.

Arrangements would be a temporary and urgent response, while the government looks for places to receive all refugees who arrive in the Balearics.