Arrested for drugging and sexually abusing runaway girls

A squat in Cala Major became the centre of the investigation. | Policia Nacional


The National Police have arrested two men aged 22 and 35, accused of drugging and sexually abusing underage girls. There were a dozen girls, all runaways and mostly from centres operated by the Council of Mallorca's Institute of Social Affairs (IMAS).

In recent months, it has been reported that a number of underage teenagers at IMAS centres have gone missing for a time and later returned with obvious signs of having consumed drugs. Officials opened an investigation, as these teenagers did not have the financial means to acquire the drugs. It was therefore suspected that a criminal gang was involved.

In January, the younger of the two men was arrested for a drugs matter. At the time, he was in the company of two minors. This aroused police suspicions.

A squat in Cala Major became the focus of police attention. It was confirmed that some runaway girls were going there. It was then established that the squat was controlled by the two men. Girls were offered a place to spend the night and were also offered cocaine and marijuana. Affected by drugs, the girls were then sexually abused.