Restaurants in Mallorca having to put up prices

Restaurants affected by rising prices like every other sector. | Miquel À. Cañellas


The presidents of restaurant associations in Mallorca point to price increases of between ten to fifteen per cent because of the rising cost of raw materials.

Alfonso Robledo of the CAEB association says that restaurants are not covering all the increases, as they are by as much as 30% in some instances, while they are aware that they can put up prices only so much - customers are suffering the effects of inflation in general and not just restaurant menus.

Jaume Colombás, president of the AREMA association, explains that restaurants are having to modify menus. They cannot offer the same dishes at prices of a few weeks ago and are also aware of the difficulties being experienced by customers. "The first thing that people cut back when they have less money is their spending on leisure."

Among products that have become more expensive are butter, meat, milk and oils - not only sunflower oil as the cost of olive oil is also rising. On top of the products, as Colombás stresses, there is the rise in the price of electricity. He cites an example of an electricity bill having gone up from 1,600 euros to 4,000 euros. Rents, where adjusted to inflation, have also gone up - by some 6.5%.

Because of these additional costs, some restaurants are opting to close on certain days per week, usually a Monday or Tuesday, in order to make some savings.