Wave of thefts from cars in central Palma

A car on the C. Costa i Llobera in Palma.


Residents in a central area of ​​Palma have suffered a recent spate of thefts from cars. This was the case on Sunday, when several cars in an area around C. Costa i Llobera were found to have been vandalised. Items were stolen, but nothing of value was taken.

One resident said that there wasn't much she could so because garages are closed on a Sunday. A broken window was covered by plastic and the car was driven to a car park.

It isn't as if anything of value is left in the cars. As another resident explained, there were a couple of euros and a pair of sunglasses from a Chinese shop; that was all that was taken. "But they have broken a window and I have problems opening the lock. This could cost me more than 800 euros in damage."