Cala Millor promenade work - waiting since 2018

The project for improving the project is in three phases. | Assumpta Bassa


Work on improving a second section of Cala Millor's promenade has been pending authorisation from the Costas Authority since 2018.

This project had a grant of 500,000 euros from the Balearic government's tourist accommodation places fund. The period for doing the work has expired, and so Son Servera town hall is having to request an extension in order that the work is still eligible for the grant.

Son Servera's mayor, Natalia Troya says that the town hall has been calling for authorisation since 2018. The Costas Authority "has still not granted this to us". As well as the funding from the government, the town hall is due to allocate 200,000 euros of its own money.

Improvements to the promenade are in three phases. The first was completed, but the second has been on hold for years. Troya explains that the initial request for authorisation was sent to the Costas on September 26, 2018. On December 16, 2019, after some changes in the project, there was a further request. It was not until July 31, 2020 that the town hall received a letter from the Costas asking for documentation. On August 17, this was supplied. There was a further request by the town hall for concession in February 2021. Five months later, the Costas again asked for documentation.

The national ministry for ecological transition, of which the Costas Authority is a part, says that once deficiencies had been corrected and the concession project processed, a file was sent to the directorate for the coasts in February this year. The resolution to proceed will be given shortly.