Find out which ships are in port today

Find out what is scheduled for the weekend

Merchant ships docking in Palma. | Joan Llado


Discover what ships are moored in the Port of Palma right now thanks to the Port of Palma's website.

Ship of the day

Today there are no cruise ships scheduled in any of the Balearic ports.

On Saturday, April 16 there are two cruise ships scheduled:Aidastella due to arrive at 5.00 and depart at 22.00 and Norwegian Epic due to arrive at 8.00 and depart at 17.00.

AIDAstella current cruise is 7 days, round-trip Mediterrane Schatze Ab Mallorca, themed as "Comedy".

Norwegian Epic current cruise is 15 days, one-way from New York to Barcelona, themed as "Easter".

Here you will discover what is moored up. Follow the link and click here.

You can also find out what is scheduled to come to Palma and the rest of the Balearics over the next few days