Three arrests for robberies from Palma luxury properties

Some of the stolen items. | Policia Nacional


The National Police's Robbery Squad have arrested three members of a gang described as having been one of the most active in living memory and which, in a short period of time, robbed 26 up-market properties in Palma - the areas most targeted were Son Rapinya, La Bonanova, Son Espanyolet and Can Domenge. More arrests are expected, as the police are continuing to look for other suspected gang members.

Said to be an eastern European gang, the investigation was made difficult because none of the gang members had a previous criminal record. They were, nevertheless, highly professional, using a master key to gain access to properties. The police note that this is complex and not a method that petty criminals would deploy.

In addition, the robberies were carried out in broad daylight. One of the gang would use the master key to enter, one would keep watch on the street and a third would be in a car.

Properties were under discreet surveillance in order to ascertain when the occupants came and went. Stolen items included money, jewellery, and state-of-the-art electronic devices, which were then sold on the black market.

The three were arrested following a high-speed chase on the Via Cintura in Palma.