Nineteen million euros' worth of fines in Palma in 2021

Scooter offences come into the traffic fines' category. | Javier Jiménez


In 2021, fines totalling more than 19 million euros were issued in Palma. The town hall's accounts department says that over 15 million euros have so far been collected.

The vast majority of these penalties were for traffic offences - a total of 16.3 million euros, of which just under 13 million have been collected. Many of the fines, especially those imposed towards the end of the year, are pending appeal or are still in the voluntary payment period. In addition to the 16.3 million, there were traffic fines totalling 1.3 million euros for non-residents (which are treated separately); almost one million euros have been collected.

An accounts department general infractions category includes fines for the likes of dumping rubbish, not picking up dog mess and drinking alcohol on the streets. The total value of fines for these was 924,000 euros, of which 720,000 euros have been collected.

The one other category related to breaches of planning and building regulations. The value of fines for these was 512,000 euros; only 14,000 euros were outstanding at the end of the year.

The town hall had budgeted for fines' revenue of some 15 million euros in 2021. This budget was therefore around four million euros too low. A reason for this was an increase in the number of traffic fines last year; this was largely due to the installation of nine speed radars.