Palma is dirty, abandoned and full of graffiti!

Demands for clean up of Palma

Graffiti in Palma. | EFE


The Recuperem Palma platform of associations, neighbours and business owners, is demanding that Palma City Council clean up the streets which it says are an utter embarrassment.

"Palma has never been so dirty, abandoned, and full of graffiti,” blasts Recuperem. “We want a city that represents who we are, because we are one of the main tourist capitals in the world.”

Recuperem also criticised the fact that there are so many streets under construction.

"The work could have been done in winter when there were fewer people on the streets, or even during the pandemic months when tourism was non-existent," it said.

The group went on to complain that nothing had been done about the gallerias in Plaza Mayor and the number of vehicles abandoned in the city.

Recuperem claims that the new General Urban Planning Plan, or PGOU is contrary to local trade in Palma city centre and other neighbourhoods.

“The plan is clearly committed to trade in the suburbs and large shopping malls," claimed Recuperem who blamed the council for making the city centre inaccessible and is opposed to what it called "the superblocks and neighbourhood ghettos" provided by the PGOU.

"We have been silent for months,” said Recuperem. “We put our trust in the Mayor, but nothing has changed and our patience is running out.”