Conservation groups back floating wind farm proposals

Wind farms would be located 20 kms from Mallorcan coast

Floating wind farm in UK. | Ultima Hora


The GOB and Terraferida support the Ministry of Energy Transition’s proposals that the Central Government delimit areas of the Balearic Sea for the installation of floating wind farms.

“We support the firm commitment to energy transition, in which renewables play a fundamental role, but the intensity of energy consumption must be reduced,” said Margalida Ramis from the GOB, “All planning, including energy planning, will come to nothing if we simply change technologies without addressing constraints against climate crisis and ecological collapse. With renewables we can solve one problem, but if we don't limit growth we create another."

"It will be necessary to take into account the fact that the floating wind farms will occupy a fragile natural environment, so the environmental impact and the cable connection to the coast will also have to be evaluated,” she added.

"The debate over the location of renewable energies is eternal, but shovels in the sea or plates on rustic land will never be enough if we don't limit growth,” insists Jaume Adrover from Terraferida. “If we don't apply clear limits, schools, hospitals, sewage treatment plants, roads and energy facilities will never be enough. Growth expectations are so high that we will never meet the energy demand and we will have sacrificed rural land and marine areas. The contribution of renewable energies to general demand remains low, although photovoltaic solar parks proliferate. The key is not that renewable energies are not enough to meet demand, but that the model needs so much energy consumption.”

Each floating windmill would be 70-100 metres high, produce 10-15 megawatts and be located about 20 kilometres from the coast.