The Council of Mallorca's agency for the defence of territory (ADT) has closed down an illegal caravan site in Santa Eugenia. On Wednesday, agents from the ADT, accompanied by Council of Mallorca tourism inspectors and officers from the Guardia Civil's Seprona division, went to the site. Its closure was ordered as was its dismantling.
This "campsite", which was off the Santa Eugenia to Sineu MA-3040 road, apparently had space for 140 caravans and motorhomes. Moreover, there was a reception, a bar and a swimming pool. It was wholly illegal, not least because it was on so-called rustic land, for which there was no permission for use. The ADT is the body that checks on planning breaches on rustic land, and its justification for closing the campsite was "illegal use of rustic land".
By Friday, the site had been dismantled, and those responsible for it face sanctions for illegal tourist facilities as well as for illegal use of land.
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Motor homes parked up willy nilly are causing problems all over the island, yet rather than attempt at finding solutions the authorities prefer to close down the very thing that’s needed. Just move the problem on to elsewhere to become someone else’s headache. Great thinking.