More social housing to be built in Palma

New social housing in Palma to be ready in 2 years

City Model, Decent Housing & Sustainability Councillor, Neus Truyol in Palma. archive photo. | EFE


At least 200 new public homes are being built in Carrer de Caracas in Palma by the Balearic Housing Institute and Palma City Council.

City Model, Decent Housing & Sustainability Councillor, Neus Truyol says the project will be approved by the Governing Board on Wednesday and it’s hoped it will improve the quality of life of local residents, reinforce accessibility, boost social cohesion and neutralise gentrification.

The Balearic Housing Institute and Palma City Council are collaborating on the construction of the new buildings, all of which will be used for social housing.

Palma City Council is contributing 770,000 euros in the project and Ibavi is investing 2.5 million euros and the work is expected to be completed within the next two years.