2022 Emaya photography competition held in Palma

'The water cycle in Palma’ was the theme of the contest

'Tot final es converteix en un principi' by Amparo Salvado Penaranda. | Amparo Salvado Penaranda


The annual ‘Opticaigua’ photography awards for World Water Day were held in Palma on Thursday and presented by the Environment & Animal Welfare Councillor and president of Emaya, Ramon Perpinyà.

The winning photograph was 'Tot final es converteix en un principi...', by Amparo Salvador Penaranda, who also scored a voucher for 800 euros to spend on photography products.

'On hi ha aigua hi ha vida' by Lucia Groizard took second place and a voucher for 350 euros and third prize and a voucher for 250 euros went to 'Each drop is a treasure. Don’t study it' by Cristina Reus Llagostera.

A special staff award from Emaya and a voucher for 500 euros to spend on photography products went to 'Tradition, water and calm' by Antonio Vega López.

Photographers had to submit an image that related to the theme of the contest, which was 'The water cycle in Palma’. The contest was held in collaboration with TotFoto and FotoRuanoPro, who also participated in the award ceremony.