Woman arrested after leaving her daughter home alone for two weeks

The National Police's family and women's care unit is in charge of the investigation. | Alejandro Sepúlveda


A woman has been arrested by the National Police in Palma after leaving her 12-year-old daughter home alone for two weeks. The woman hired two people to take care of the girl. However, their work ended by the early evening and didn't include the weekend. In fact, it would seem that one of the two was principally hired to walk the family dog in the morning and would then leave.

The case came to the attention of Palma police when they were notified that the girl had self-harmed. Police went to the address and the girl was taken to Son Espases Hospital, where she told doctors what had happened.

The National Police took charge of the case and established that the woman had gone on a foreign trip. She had left the girl in the care of the two people she had hired, but they barely covered the girl's needs.

The woman was arrested a few days ago. She appeared in court and was released after exercising her right not to testify. She faces a charge of abandonment, which could lead to the withdrawal of custody of the girl.