Whale entangled in fishing net off Mallorca

A team from Palma Aquarium has gone to the scene. | Youtube Última Hora


A whale of some ten metres in length was sighted in Cala Millor bay on Friday afternoon. It was entangled in a fishing net and having some difficulty with swimming.

Crew on a sailboat spotted the whale around 3.30pm. The whale was around a mile off Punta de n'Amer. They notified the emergency services, and a team of specialists from the Palma Aquarium Foundation went to the scene. Their assessment was that the whale was in a good condition. "It seems to be drifting and only coming up to catch air."

The foundation, the Maritime Safety Agency and the regional environment ministry's Cofib consortium for fauna are monitoring the whale, the crew on the boat saying that, since they spotted it, the whale has drifted around a mile and a half to the southwest because of the wind.