There have been regular clashes between taxi drivers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport and unauthorised drivers. On Wednesday, the National Police arrested a taxi driver who assaulted a "pirate" driver, rupturing one of his eardrums with a punch.
There have been regular clashes between taxi drivers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport and unauthorised drivers. On Wednesday, the National Police arrested a taxi driver who assaulted a "pirate" driver, rupturing one of his eardrums with a punch.
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How do these Illegal Pirate Taxi Drivers get into the Airport queues?. Why is there no control to remove them?. Any Tourist can be easily conned by these scammers. An unsuspecting Tourist wants a Taxi. They do not know who is legal and who isa Pirate scammer trickster until they come to pay an extortionate fare. Or at worst need to claim as a result of an accident. Again The Airport are at serious fault.