Mother arrested for mistreatment and neglect

The woman appeared in court in Palma.


On Thursday, the National Police in Palma arrested a woman accused of mistreating and abandoning her children.

Officers had responded to a call to the 091 emergency number which reported that a young girl had suicidal ideas. At an address in the city, they spoke to a young woman, the older sister of the girl. She told police that her father had called her and explained that the girl had informed him that she would commit suicide if she had to continue living with her mother.

The police established that the parents are separated and that the girl and younger siblings live with the mother. They have been mistreated and neglected and have often failed to attend school. The two eldest, 13 and 14, have been taking care of the younger ones and the housework. Their mother has been absent for periods of time, but when she has returned, she has insulted the children and hit them on various occasions.

The patrol officers referred the case to the police unit for family and women's matters, who investigated further before arresting the woman.