Arrested after attacking three people on Palma's Paseo Marítimo

Several police patrols went to the scene. | Europa Press


The National Police report having arrested a 33-year-old on Friday morning after he attacked three men on the Paseo Marítimo in Palma.

Around quarter past six, the three were walking along the promenade. They saw the 33-year-old bothering other pedestrians and spitting at them. When he approached them, he spat at them. There was an argument and he took a chair from a bar terrace and hit one of the three in the face.

He ran off but was pursued by the three. He threw what he could find at them and threatened a couple who were passing by. From another bar terrace, he threw various objects at the three. One was hit on the head with a glass bottle, another was hit on the back with a pot.

The National Police had meanwhile been contacted. Several patrols went to the scene and detained him. The three men all required medical assistance.