Bather in Alcudia rushed to hospital

Emergency services at the S'Illot beach. | Policia Local d'Alcudia


A 55-year-old man was rushed to Inca Hospital on Friday morning after being pulled out of the water at the small beach of S'Illot in Alcudia.

The incident occurred at around quarter past eleven. Alcudia police report that urgent calls were received saying that he was unconscious and turning blue.

The advanced medical service from the Alcudia PAC, local police and Guardia Civil all went to the scene, where two people from the Inca Terra i Mar Aventura company - both trained lifeguards - were giving assistance.

The police add that this incident more or less coincided with one in the old town - they and the Guardia Civil were dealing with two pickpockets who had been caught in the act.