Spanish government: "the party is over for booze tourism..."

United front to stop badly behaved tourists


The Spanish secretary of state for tourism, Fernando Valdes, said on Wednesday morning that badly behaved tourists were no longer welcome in Spain and he called for a radical change within the industry to outlaw bad behaviour and excess drinking by tourists.

His speech came after reports from Playa de Palma that rowdy tourists, mostly German, were making the lives of local residents a misery because of their behaviour.

"It isn't going to be easy, but enough is enough," he said. The secretary of state said that four million euros were being invested in Magalluf and hundreds of millions across Spain to improve resorts.

Valdes said that he had held talks with the British ambassador to Spain Hugh Elliott and they both agreed that a code of good conduct was needed.

The Balearic government has introduced legislation which bans all-inclusive booze in some resorts, including Magalluf and the Playa de Palma.

Valdes said that the message from Spain was that anyone who came to Spain on holiday and wanted to behave badly was not welcome.