Palma airport forecasts 55 percent growth in air traffic, two million people in the Balearics

Mallorcan nationalists calling for a halt


Palma airport is forecasting a massive growth in air traffic over the next four years with an increase of 55 percent in the number of flights. It will also mean that the population of the islands will effectively double from one millon to two million.

The Mallorcan nationalist party (MES), who form part of the coalition Balearic government, says that enough us enough and is calling on the local authorities to take action. They claim that the number of flights at Palma airport will rise to 1,000 a day and they believe that the islands will not be able cope.

"During peak periods, the local population will increase by one million," they said in a communique.

There is growing concern that the islands are welcoming too many tourists during peak times and this led the Balearic government to introduce a freeze on new hotels.