Battle of the beach towel in Mallorca takes new meaning

Tourists are placing their towel on their spot at 5am even though sunloungers not unlocked until four hours later

Group of vacation objects on the beach of Grand Bahama island in the Bahamas. | powerofforever


The battle of the sunlounger is taking on a whole new meaning at one Santa Ponsa hotel. Tourists are rushing down at 5am and placing their towel on their spot even though the sunloungers are not unlocked until four hours later.

The early morning rush means that some tourists are actually getting up earlier on holiday than they do when they are working.

Some guests are not impressed, claiming that it was only the Brits, with not a German in sight at the hotel. Some hotels on the island have been taking action to stop the early morning rush such as locking away sunloungers and placing notices warning against the early morning antics of some.

During the 1980s and 1990s there was a constant battle at many island hotels between German and British tourists to get the best place.