Five per cent drop in energy consumption in Mallorca

Shops will need to have automatic door closing systems. | Gemma Andreu


Data from the national grid company Red Eléctrica show that there was a 5.1% decrease in energy consumption in the Balearics on Wednesday, which was when the Spanish government's energy-saving measures came into force. The immediate aim is a 5% cut, with this rising to 7% in line with the EU target.

The evidence of one day is too little to be able to assess compliance with the measures, the energy sector saying that it will take a fortnight for a real assessment to be made.

Key aspects of the measures include switching off shop window and public building lights at 10pm and an air-conditioning minimum temperature of 27 degrees. There are exceptions to this temperature requirement, however, and these include hotel rooms.

The measures don't apply to households, but the hope is that they will increase the level of awareness of the need to save energy.