Lowest numbers of jellyfish in Mallorca since 2014

Jellyfish have been comparatively rare this summer.


Antoni Grau of the Balearic government's fisheries directorate says that the number of jellyfish reaching Mallorca's coasts this summer is the lowest since 2014. Explaining that jellyfish live on the high seas and are dragged towards shore by meteorological conditions, he adds that there have been no storms over the summer and nor were there any in spring. This is the probable reason for the low numbers.

Pelagia noctiluca, sometimes referred to as sea carnation, is the most abundant species. Since 2014, the system of monitoring of this jellyfish (and others) has involved lifeguards and the boats used for coastal cleaning and surveillance. Grau says that, before 2014, there were no data for beaches without lifeguards. "This summer there have been the fewest sightings for eight years." This situation could of course change along with a change in the weather.

Grau explains that there may be large populations of jellyfish in the open sea but that we only see them when they are dragged by currents towards the coasts. Jellyfish live at a depth of 300 metres during the day and go up to eat at night. They are therefore not capable of surviving by the shore, although once they arrive they can go some time without eating until fish eat them.

Although there has been speculation about the increase in sea temperature and the arrival of jellyfish, he notes that marine biologists have yet to come up with an accurate explanation as to changes in behaviour from one summer to the next.