Real Mallorca stadium naming-rights sponsorship is scrapped

Catalina Cladera (centre) with Jaume Alzamora (Més) and Aurora Ribot (Podemos). | Jaume Morey


Following discussions lasting over ten hours on Thursday, the naming-rights sponsorship of Real Mallorca's stadium has been withdrawn.

The agreement to pay Real Mallorca 1,815,000 euros over two years to name the stadium Visit Mallorca was brokered by the PSOE president of the Council of Mallorca, Catalina Cladera, and her party colleague, Andreu Serra, the tourism councillor.

Opposition to the deal was such that one of the three parties that comprise the ruling administration at the Council, Més, threatened to break the coalition of PSOE, Més and Podemos.

Més have argued that, given the numbers of tourists that Mallorca is attracting - almost back to pre-pandemic levels - and political agreement to address tourism sustainability, this form of tourism promotion was both unnecessary and contrary to sustainability principles.

At the end of the all-day meeting, Cladera explained that the Council will maintain its financial support for Real Mallorca but that a new "cooperation framework" will be established. A new name for the Son Moix stadium will be proposed, one that is "linked to social and sporting values ​​that represent Mallorca".

This represents a huge climbdown for Cladera, who had been insisting that the naming-rights deal would not be rescinded. Real Mallorca have yet to respond to the outcome of the meeting.