Soller residents denouncing street drinking and noise

Noise and drinking in Soller. | Youtube Última Hora


A group of residents, Plataforma Indignados de la MA-10, has been highlighting the traffic pressure on the Tramuntana road for some years. It is now denouncing street drinking and noise which is said to occur every night.

On Thursday, residents met the mayor of Soller, Carlos Simarro, and told him that the Ses Barques viewpoint has become the focal point for "hundreds of people" with motorbikes and cars who engage in street drinking and generate a great deal of noise from music played loudly. "It's as if it were the headquarters of a racing team." they say.

This situation used to occur just at weekends, but during August it has been happening nightly, residents adding that private property is being entered.

They are demanding that "real measures are taken", suspecting that these are the same people who take part in illegal races at night.