The incident occurred around 3am on Saturday morning. A 24-year-old tourist from Catalonia was in the club with a group of friends. At one point, he started to talk to a woman who works in the club. They began to dance, which was when the doorman, understood to be British, approached him, demanding to know if she was his "friend". He didn't reply and went to the terrace, where his friends were.
It would appear that moments later the doorman went for him and put him in a chokehold. He fell to the floor and hit his forehead. A wound required two stitches.
On Sunday, the doorman appeared in court and was released. The Guardia Civil are now in charge of the investigation.
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Stan The ManIt doesn't need to be closed down. It needs to be marketed to a different class of tourist. Many businesses in Magaluf are British-run, and are dependent on British money, which means necessarily attracting this type of tourist. Others, particularly the major investors, seek to attract a higher quality of tourist. In pursuit of that, are focusing their marketing spend on more affluent continental European markets. It will take some time, but when it becomes too expensive for Brits, then we'll likely see an exodus of British owned businesses, and an increasingly normal tourist profile... Therefore a better quality experience, which will attract a better quality of tourist. Chicken-egg. It will take time. But we're already seeing increased European presence in Magaluf. And that's a positive development at least.
Oh Dear!!! Magalluf Again !!! Please Close this terrible town down.!!!