When Prince Andrew was in Mallorca

Former US consul, Tumi Bestard, met the prince

Prince Andrew with Tumi Bestard.


Tumi Bestard, the former US consul in the Balearics, recalls the time when he met Prince Andrew in Mallorca. The prince was captaining a British navy ship and was in port with a US navy ship. Tumi Bestard went to greet the captain of the US ship and met Prince Andrew at the same time.

"We hit it off. I invited him to dinner at the Porto Pi restaurant. He came alone. I was with my wife, Olga, and Princess Birguita of Sweden, who was spending a few days with us. After dinner, my wife and the princess returned home, while Prince Andrew and I went for a walk around Palma at night. I took him for a drink at the Hotel Victoria and then another at the Jack El Negro

"At all times he was very correct and kind. I remember that the grandeur of the Cathedral caught his attention. The next day, he called me and told me that he was going to play golf in Bendinat and that he would like to invite us to lunch. Birguita, Olga and I met with him, ate and had a pleasant after-meal conversation in which he told us about his family. The next day, his ship left Palma. I never saw him again. But I have very pleasant memories of that visit."

All in the past and before the scandal that surrounds the Duke of York.