In court in Palma on Tuesday, agreement was reached for the repayment of 131,181 euros that he stole from the company in August 2020. In July that year, he was taken on for a three-month trial period as coordinator of the company's insurance department. He changed the bank account number of an insurance company to that of his own and made three transfers on August 17 for 4,496 euros, 7,329 euros and 119,355 euros. He was sacked not long afterwards.
The Prosecutor's Office had initially demanded a three-year sentence for the misappropriation of an amount greater than 50,000 euros. This was reduced to two years and will be suspended if he repays 100,000 euros in the next 30 days and the rest of the money (plus interest) by November 27. He was also fined 540 euros.
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