Firstly, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez arrived slightly late which meant that he kept the Spanish royal family waiting. The incident led to a social media storm against the Prime Minister, who was told in no uncertain terms to get his act together.
The second incident was slightly more dangerous. The highlight of the parade is when a parachutist descends with a massive Spanish flag attached to his body. But things didn´t go to plan. It appears that the flag got twisted around his leg. For a few moments it appeared that the flag would not unfurl but finally the parachusist managed to get it free and the spectable passed off without further incident.
Thousands of people attended the parade including the President of the Balearic government, Francina Armengol.
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It is a relief to know we are all human and things rarely go 100% to plan.
So the Spanish PM arrives seconds (not minutes) after the royal family and some thick right wing types think this is a big scandal!