Going home...Rafa Nadal collects wife and baby from Palma clinic

The couple do not seek publicity

Rafa Nadal drove off alone. | Jaume Morey


Almost a week after giving birth, Mery Perelló, Rafa Nadal's wife, is at home with their baby.

She and the baby left room 344 at the Quironsalud Palmaplanas Hospital on Thursday evening. Nadal drove out of the main gates of the hospital alone, his wife and baby having left by one of the side doors in order to avoid photographers.

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Nadal has made it clear that he doesn't wish to publicise his private life. He wants to maintain his privacy, and the couple have always done this - no selling of exclusives or exposing their personal lives in the media.

On Wednesday evening, it was possible to glimpse Nadal in the room; he was watching a Champion's League match. On Thursday, he took with him many of the flowers that had been delivered, having given some to nurses.