118,000 people can claim compensation for delayed or cancelled flights in Spain

Two million suffered delays


Of the seven million passengers who took a flight in Spain in September this year, two million suffered cancellations and delays and of these, 118,000, 28%, are entitled to compensation, according to data provided by Airhelp, the international air passenger rights organization.

From May to August this year, a total of 31.8 million passengers flew from Spain. Of these, 8,240,000 have suffered delays or cancellations and 764,000 are entitled to compensation. In Europe, the total amounts to 310 million travelers, of whom 8 million are eligible for compensation. A high figure when compared to the same pre-pandemic period (2019), when the number of those affected amounted to 6 million.

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After studying airlines with more than 100 flights per month, the leading air passenger advocacy organization has compiled a ranking of the airlines and airports with the highest degree of compliance. Among the most punctual airlines, Eurowings is in first position with 97% punctuality, followed by Lan Airlines with 96% and Emirates with 93%. Iberia, the main operator of flights in Spain, appears in ninth position with 85% on-time performance.

Among Spanish airports, two Galician airports are on the punctuality podium. Vigo occupies the place of honor, followed by A Coruña airport and Madrid Adolfo Suárez Barajas airport. During September at Vigo airport 4,000 flights were delayed and 230 cancelled. A Coruña airport did not cancel any of its flights, although 5,000 were delayed, and at Madrid Adolfo Suárez Barajas airport some 309,000 flights were delayed and 15,000 were cancelled.


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