Mallorca record for the number of people was broken in August

61% greater than the resident population

Spanish tourism was a key factor in driving up the number of people. | MDB


On Friday, August 5, there were 1,474,021 people in Mallorca, the highest number ever, the previous record - 1,473,873 - having been set in August 2017.

While figures published by the Balearic Institute of Statistics on Wednesday indicated that human pressure in the Balearics in August was third highest of all time, it was only because Ibiza recorded lower numbers that August 2022 failed to become the highest.

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The latest census data indicate that Mallorca has a resident population of 912,544. On August 5, therefore, the total number of people was 61% greater than this resident population.

The tourism minister, Iago Negueruela, has been among many to highlight overcrowding in Mallorca. At one press conference, he referred to there having been "the sensation of saturation".

Although foreign tourist numbers were down in August, the number of Spanish tourists was up substantially.