Squatter eviction firm brought in at flats affected by fire

One owner has reported theft to the police

The squatter eviction firm went to the building on Thursday. | Alejandro Sepúlveda


Last Saturday, there was a fire at a block of flats on the C. Reyes Católicos in Palma which was caused by a car that exploded in the underground car park. At the time of the fire, it was reported that squatters were occupying flats on the third and fourth floors - twelve of sixteen flats in total are said to have squatters.

The owner of one of these flats has now called in the services of a squatter eviction company - Cuidamos de tu casa - in order to get rid of the squatters. On Thursday, there were "negotiations", the squatters saying that they are willing to leave in exchange for a payment.

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Following the fire, a flat owner reported to the National Police that various items had been stolen. There was access to the flat, as firefighters had broken door the door to check that there was no one inside. The owner went in and found that a mobile phone, two gold chains and a Tissot watch were among missing items.

The president of the community of owners, Toni Enseñat, says that there has been an issue with squatters for almost six years. "I've already thrown in the towel; the squatters have won."

One of the squatters has said that the car fire was intentional. "There's a lot of racism here. They have tried to kill us."