Row over bilingual road signs in a Mallorcan village

National law says one thing, regional law another

Two languages needed.


At Wednesday's council meeting in Campanet, a motion by eco-nationalists Més calling for road signs to be in Catalan only was rejected.

Campanet is run by the socialists PSOE. Their councillors and those from the Partido Popular plus one without party affiliation voted against the Més motion, arguing that the signs will continue to be in both Spanish and Catalan, as they have been since June 2019 and in accordance with national traffic law.

However, the spokesperson for Més, Guillem Rosselló, said that having bilingual signs violates both Balearic law on linguistic standardisation and municipal ordinance. Moreover, "it is almost unheard of for PSOE to vote against complying with the interpretation made by the regional government of article 56 in the traffic law". This states that that there should be signs in a region's "own language" unless this compromises safety.

The mayor, Rosa Maria Bestard, explained that there will not be changes to signs, because "we are complying with the regulations". Her administration points to an agreement in September which states that signs must be in Spanish and in the official languages ​​of each region. Even so, a directive from the Balearic government's directorate for language policy suggests that signs should be in Catalan except when safety is affected.