Palma Paseo Marítimo - Excavators will start work in January

Work on the Paseo Marítimo is due to take 20 months. | VON


Palma town hall says that preparatory work on the Paseo Marítimo will start in the third week of November and will last during December. Over this period, the impact will be less than when the real work gets under way in early January.

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There is as yet no date for when the excavators will move in and start the main work for a project that will take twenty months and will create a new road with just two lanes in both directions. The town hall has said that while the work will require detours, there will still be access.

A committee of "interest groups" will be the first to be notified of the schedule of works. This consists of members of the federation of residents associations, the Mallorca Hoteliers Federation, the Paseo Marítimo traders associations, the Abone nightlife association, and two restaurants associations - CAEB and Pimem.