Scooter accident in Palma: "My life's been ruined"

The scooter was going too fast in a prohibited area

María Fuster. She was coming out of a shop when she was hit by a scooter. | Julio Bastida


Around quarter to eight on Thursday evening, María Fuster was coming out of a shop near to her home on C. Francesc Fiol i Joan in Palma when she was hit by an electric scooter. She was taken to Son Espases where she was told that she had a fracture of the tibia and fibula and dislocation of several bones. "I am in a lot of pain and they give me morphine every six hours to ease the pain. It's unbearable."

Passers-by stopped the male rider of the scooter, aged 18 or 19. He kept apologising María. "I didn't see you. I'm sorry, I didn't see you". According to witnesses, the scooter was travelling faster than is permitted. It didn't have lights and the rider didn't have insurance. The accident was in a place where scooters are prohibited.

María and her daughter Claudia want to know who pays for all this. "I'm off work, I'm going to have to stay at my daughter's house as I can't do anything. They're talking about six months to be able to put a foot on the ground and then three more of rehabilitation. And that's so long as the operations go well. They have to put in some plates, screws. My life's been ruined. My dancing, my pilates, my work."