Horrific Balearic flight as drunken group cause chaos

Airline under fire for not controlling passengers

Drunken antics: Video: youtube | Youtube: Tig Tag Vision


Ryanair passengers have told of their 'horrific' flight to Ibiza, during which a drunken group blasted out loud music for the entire three-hour journey, banged on the ceiling, and harassed a young woman.

Footage has emerged of the group causing chaos on the flight, in which the group are seen drinking from vodka bottles.

According to the Daily Mail "while the mile-high boozing may have been fun for those involved in the rave, the incident left a furious older Scottish couple cowering in their seats..."

The paper said: the couple have now hit out at Ryanair for failing to control the troublemakers, and for a 'copy and paste' response to their formal complaint - a month after receiving it.