On Tuesday, a Palma court ordered a 46-year-old Spaniard to prison without bail, accused of having sent himself a package with six kilos of cocaine from Madrid. He was arrested by the National Police on Sunday.
He had gone to Madrid and prepared a package that he sent via a courier company. The whole package weighed 19 kilos. As well as the cocaine there was a small safe; the cocaine was inside this.
Although intended for himself and for subsequent sale in Mallorca, the cocaine package was addressed to his disabled wife. He forged the collection authorisation, went to the courier company offices and collected the package. The police were waiting for him.
An investigation had started in June, suspicions having been aroused because he had a link to a drugs trafficker in Madrid who had been stopped at a police control with 45,000 euros in his possession. In addition, he was staying in five-star hotels in Madrid and enjoying a high standard of living while seeming not to have any obvious source of income.
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